Everything You Need To Know About Liquid Nose Jobs

Many people have issues with certain aspects of their noses. The bridge could have a large bump. The tip may droop downward. That’s why nose surgery consistently ranks among the most popular cosmetic surgeries every single year.

But not everyone is ready or willing to have surgery to change their nose. They know rhinoplasty involves bruising, swelling, and downtime. Plus, the results are permanent. These factors can combine to make nose surgery a big commitment.

That’s where a liquid nose job comes in. Also known as liquid rhinoplasty, this treatment involves using safe and effective dermal fillers to enhance the nose.

What is liquid rhinoplasty?

Liquid rhinoplasty uses injectable dermal fillers to temporarily change specific aspects of the nose. Of course, fillers cannot offer the same results as nose surgery, but for some patients, liquid rhinoplasty is sufficient. The process is relatively simple. Dr. Perez uses his extensive knowledge of the nose and facial anatomy to place the filler in the right areas to even out or build up the nose. The bridge is the primary target of liquid facelifts.

What changes can be made to the nose with liquid rhinoplasty?

This treatment can usually make these improvements:

  • Hide a small to medium bump on the bridge
  • Hide slight drooping of the tip
  • Straighten a somewhat crooked nose
  • Increase a disproportionately small nose
  • Fill hollows and dents on the walls
  • Add contour to the tip
  • Increase the height of the bridge

What type of rhinoplasty is right for you?

A liquid nose job can be a good option for people who aren’t ready for surgery. Often, these patients want to avoid the financial commitment as well as the recovery and permanence that come along with a traditional rhinoplasty procedure. However, a liquid nose job might not be ideal for people who want long-lasting results or significant changes. Talk to our board-certified plastic surgeon to determine what is best for you.

Call 913-685-1108 today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Victor Perez. Renue Aesthetic Surgery serves Kansas City, Overland Park, Olathe, Lee’s Summit, and the surrounding areas.

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