The importance of this logo

The importance of this logo

What does this logo mean? It’s the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS®) logo. When you choose a doctor who is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, you can rest assured that your surgeon is qualified to perform your surgery. Dr. Perez is a member of the ASPS!

ASAPS  membership remains an exclusive privilege for surgeons who possess the  necessary qualifications. Only about one-quarter of all American Board of  Plastic Surgery certified surgeons have been accepted as ASAPS members.  Physicians who have been trained in specialties other than plastic surgery are  not eligible for ASAPS membership.
To  receive invitation and election to ASAPS membership, a plastic surgeon must:

  • Be certified by the American Board of  Plastic Surgery, or certified in plastic surgery by the Royal College of  Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Plastic surgeons who are not citizens of the  United States or Canada who meet the high professional and ethical standards  required for Aesthetic Society membership may become ASAPS International Active  Members.
  • Participate in accredited Continuing  Medical Education (CME) programs to stay current with developments in the field  of cosmetic plastic surgery.
  • Document the performance of a  significant number and variety of cosmetic surgical cases to demonstrate a wide  range of experience.
  • Be sponsored by two ASAPS-members to  ensure that the applicant’s professional reputation meets the high standards  required by The Aesthetic Society.
  • Adhere to current ethical standards for  professional conduct as outlined by the Society’s Bylaws, Code of Ethics,  and Conflict of Interest Policy observed by all  ASAPS member surgeons.

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