Tips for a Successful Breast Augmentation Recovery

Woman relaxing in bed during breast augmentation recoveryAfter your breast augmentation procedure, you won’t want to do much more than snuggle up under the covers. Take this opportunity to treat yourself! Forget about your normal to-do lists and tasks, and instead indulge in a few movies or a good novel.

Here are three ways you can prepare for a comfortable recovery:

1. Put Together a Relaxing Spot in Your Home

When you get home from surgery, you’ll probably want to lay down in one of the coziest spots of your home, like the bedroom or living room couch. Plan ahead and stock the area with plenty of pillows so you can prop yourself up at a 45-degree angle (which reduces swelling and bruising). You may also want to gather other soothing items for when you get home, such as chap stick and tissues.

Here are some other ways to prepare a day or two before surgery:

  • Make or purchase a few different meals and snacks. You don’t want to worry about getting enough nutrition after your procedure. It’s really important not to skip any meals – your body will need the protein and fuel to help it bounce back. If you cook, think about preparing a few snacks the day before. Mashed potatoes, soup, casseroles and other freezer-friendly meals are a good idea. If you aren’t into cooking, stop by the store and purchase healthy pre-made meals.
  • Keep several ice packs in the freezer. We’ll instruct you to use ice packs on your breasts for the first 48 hours. Icing the area will reduce swelling and pain. Get a few in the freezer the night before, so they are ready to go.
  • Wear comfortable clothes. Tight clothes will make you feel less comfortable after surgery. Choose an outfit you’ll be comfortable in, like sweats, leggings and loose tops.

By putting in a little extra time a day before, you’ll have a relaxing recovery spot to look forward to.

2. Eliminate the Possibility of any Chores

A relaxing spot at home created for breast augmentation recoveryYou want to be as stress-free as possible. Lighten the mental load by dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s beforehand, so to speak:

  • Leave all work projects at a good stopping point. Although it may feel like your work never really ends, we encourage you to try to reach a good stopping point before your surgery. While you may be thinking about work on and off anyway, try to eliminate any pressing work-related issues beforehand. It’ll provide peace of mind!
  • Take a day or two to clear out household chores. It’s better for your rest and recovery if you aren’t looking at a sink of dirty dishes, a pile of unwashed laundry or un-vacuumed carpets during breast augmentation recovery. Try to get all these things completed the day before.

3. Make Arrangements for Your Day-to-Day Responsibilities

What things do you do normally that someone else will need to be responsible for, for a few days? Examples include:

  • Childcare
  • Getting children to and from school
  • Pet care
  • Grocery shopping
  • Paying bills

You’ll need to clear your schedule for a week or two to make room for you-time.

Take the Next Step

We’ll make sure you have complete pre- and post-op instructions. Our staff is here every step of the way.

If you are searching for an experienced breast surgeon in Overland Park, KS, please call the practice of Dr. Victor Perez at 913-685-1108. We look forward to arranging a consultation for you so that you can learn all about breast augmentation. Our patients visit us from across the surrounding areas of Kansas and Missouri, including Olathe, Lee’s Summit and Kansas City.

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