Tummy Tuck Recovery

Woman with a flat belly after tummy tuck surgery wearing fitness clothes

Tummy tuck surgery – also called abdominoplasty – flattens your tummy. It is especially beneficial if you have worked hard to achieve a toned body, but can’t seem to rid your belly of the stubborn bulge.

Like any surgery procedure, tummy tucks require patients to take some time off from work, play and exercise in order to heal properly.

The Day of Surgery

After surgery, your spouse, friend or a family member will drive you home. They must stay with you for at least 24 hours to help you out. You must get up and walk around periodically during this time to prevent fluid buildup and to promote circulation. Other than that, keep your activity to a minimum and enjoy a restful day.

See before-and-after images of tummy tuck surgery!

Results Timeframe

It takes a little time to see the full effect of the procedure –

  • Immediately: You’ll notice that skin and fat that was on your belly before is now gone. The surgical area will be swollen and bandaged, but you’ll likely notice an immediate difference.
  • 2-3 weeks: A lot of swelling will go down over the next few weeks, at which point you’ll have a good idea of your final results.
  • 6-9 months: Swelling reduction and healing continues. You’ll see the final effect of the procedure during this time. It’s important to be patient. Although the complete recovery timeline can take several months, our patients feel it’s worth the wait. Your tummy results are lasting, so putting in the time for appropriate aftercare will pay off in the long-run.

Your tummy tuck scar will fade and flatten over the course of a year. While you will always have a scar, we provide you with aftercare tips to ensure the scar gets as light in color and as flat as possible. You’ll be able to hide it beneath underwear and swimsuit bottoms.

When You Can Go Back to Work

Plan to take 2 weeks off from work. This is important to your body’s ability to heal and for your own mental wellness. Take the time to focus on you, and to focus on a gradual recovery. Work easily causes us to overdo it. After a couple weeks, you should feel back to normal to the point that working will be comfortable.

When You Can Resume Exercise

Although you must walk around starting shortly after surgery, it’s important to take a break from exercise for 4-6 weeks. Consult with our team about your specific exercise habits so that we can let you know when to re-enter that routine.

Drains and Compression Garments

Dr. Perez will insert a surgical drain at the end of the procedure. This drain helps your body heal after surgery. These drainage tubes allow excess fluid to escape from the surgical site, which is an important part of preventing the accumulation of fluid, which can lead to seroma. This drain is typically removed at the first pre-operative visit.

A compression garment holds and supports your abdominal area after surgery. You’ll wear this garment for about two weeks.

Find Out More about Tummy Tuck Cost, Candidacy and Recovery

At Renue Aesthetic Surgery, Dr. Victor Perez is personally committed to helping you achieve your cosmetic goals. After listening to your thoughts on how you would like your tummy area to look, Dr. Perez will determine whether abdominoplasty or another body procedure is right for you. Rely on us for clear, straightforward information about plastic surgery. To arrange your consultation in Overland Park, please call 913-685-1108. Patients visit us from across the surrounding region, including Kansas City, Olathe and Lee’s Summit.

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