Breast Augmentation was the Top Cosmetic Procedure Again in 2018

Plastic Surgeon & Skin Care Spa Serving Kansas City, Overland Park, Olathe, Lee's Summit & Nearby Areas of Kansas & Missouri

Posted: April 1, 2019

Breast enlargement has once again taken the top spobreasts-swimsuit-stomach.jpgt for annual number of procedures, according to recently released statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. This procedure increases breast size while also improving overall breast shape, projection and cleavage.

Breast Augmentation Remains Wildly Popular

In 2018, there were 313,735 breast augmentations performed by ASPS member surgeons. That means these procedures increased 4 percent compared to 2017. This increase is a continuation of what we have seen for the past several years: More and more breast augmentations are performed as each year passes. In 2017, for example, 300,378 such procedures were completed, which was an increase of 3 percent from 2016 (which saw a 4 percent increase from 2015! You get the idea).

Why We Believe Breast Augmentation is Number 1 Year after Year

Because our plastic surgeon, Dr. Victor Perez, performs breast augmentation routinely, we have witnessed first-hand just how powerful this procedure can be for our patients. It may be the right way to feel even more positive about your body. For many women, it's like the icing on the cake, providing that extra boost in quality of life that they desire and that makes it possible to feel confident 24/7.

In general, breast augmentation improves:

  • Breast size
  • Breast shape
  • Breast symmetry
  • Breast projection and cleavage

Whether you've always perceived your breasts as being smaller than you prefer, or more recently decided you'd like to enhance your bust line, this breast surgery could be a good match for your goals. Our patients love the way their bodies look both clothed and unclothed after breast augmentation, which typically means they feel beautiful and feminine in their own skin. It can really make a difference to how you feel about yourself, inside and out.

There is some research to support this quality of life finding, in addition to the anecdotal evidence we get from our patients. One study from 2014 found "substantial gains" in psychosocial and sexual well-being for women who had undergone breast augmentation. It surveyed 611 women. Most of the women received silicone breast implants placed under the muscle (sub-muscular placement instead of sub-glandular). The participants were asked to complete a questionnaire before surgery, six weeks after surgery and again at six months after surgery. The questionnaire was designed to assess quality of life factors.

The findings include:

  • Increase in scores for "satisfaction with breasts" from about 25 to about 80 on a 100-point scale
  • Similar score improvements for psychosocial and sexual well-being

The questionnaire didn't go into detail about how and why the women answered the way they did. But we do know from discussions with our patients that breast augmentation can have a positive impact on an individual's life. Many of our patients say they feel more confident, feminine and attractive after breast augmentation.

A Popular Cosmetic Procedure May or May Not be Right for You

Although breast augmentation is popular, Dr. Perez and our team want to help you decide if it's right for you, as a unique individual. As part of your consultation, we'll discuss with you:

  • What changes you would like to make to your breasts (size, symmetry, sagginess, stretched areolas, position, pendulous appearance or some combination)
  • Your expectations of what the procedure will look like (you can see examples of our past patient results in the gallery, but your results will be unique to your body)
  • Your health history and candidacy for surgery
  • Whether there are any other breast surgeries or non-surgical treatments you may want to consider

Most women who want larger breasts are great candidates for breast augmentation!

The only way to know if breast augmentation is right for your goals is to consult our experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Victor Perez. He wants each of his patients to love their results, and makes sure you know all of your options for achieving your goals. To arrange a visit at our Overland Park office, please call the Renue Aesthetic Surgery team at 913-685-1108.


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