The rhinoplasty procedure does require some downtime and self-care following the surgery, but the results are well worth it. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Victor Perez sculpts the shape, size and contour of the nose to create the facial appearance you want, and patients are very pleased with the results possible with nose surgery. This procedure brings facial features into proportion, so that your nose is no longer a source of self-consciousness or a detraction from your overall appearance.
While we go into some of the major points of recovery below, note that you will be provided with complete and detailed aftercare instructions when you visit us, including instructions related to:
- When and how you can shower while also protecting your nose
- What you can eat and what you shouldn't eat for the first few weeks
- How to reach us if you have any concerns
- When you can apply cosmetics to the area
- When you can resume strenuous exercise
Your nose and cheeks will begin to swell after rhinoplasty. Although there's nothing you can do to eliminate swelling (it's simply your body's response and part of the healing process), you can reduce swelling by:
- Icing the area as instructed by our staff
- Sleeping and resting with your head at a 30-degree angle
- Following all aftercare instructions provided by our staff
The application of your ice pack is especially important during the first 24-48 hours. The ice will have the greatest effect in that time frame. Stack two or three pillows when you go to sleep at night, so that your head will be elevated. You may also decide to sleep in a reclining chair, which you should position to keep your head lifted at this angle.
Bleeding is normal and expected from the surgical site. Your nose may bleed for about 24 hours, and this bleeding should gradually lessen. Bruising is also to be expected, especially around the nose and eyes. It may appear purple or yellowish.
You'll be wearing nose splints for several days, and during this time you may also be experiencing pain and discomfort. For those reasons – and for the purposes of resting and taking it easy – you should be taking at least one week off from work. You'll probably also want to free yourself from any social obligations during this time. Pain medications will relieve discomfort, but you'll still want to get plenty of rest and make sure your schedule is free.
The internal and/or external nose splints will most likely be removed at the time of your first post-operative appointment. At that time, Dr. Perez will show you how to use supportive, flesh-colored nasal tape to replace the splints. This support is important to the healing process and to your final results.
It'll take about 2-3 weeks for the majority of swelling and bruising to resolve. Don't blow your nose during this time, and avoid sneezing through your nose. After 3 weeks, your final results should be more or less apparent; however, because the skin will continue to adapt to the new nose shape, subtle changes in shape will take place for up to a year after surgery. These changes are typically so subtle that you will not notice.
Learn More
To arrange an in-person consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon and experienced rhinoplasty provider Dr. Victor Perez, please call our Overland Park practice at 913-685-1108. We proudly provide care for our patients, who visit us from across the surrounding region of Kansas and Missouri, including Olathe, Lee's Summit and Kansas City.