Who Is an Ideal Candidate for Gynecomastia Treatment?

Plastic Surgeon & Skin Care Spa Serving Kansas City, Overland Park, Olathe, Lee's Summit & Nearby Areas of Kansas & Missouri

Posted: February 15, 2024

 Gynecomastia TreatmentIf you have struggled with enlarged male breasts and puffy nipples that rob your confidence, gynecomastia treatment may have crossed your mind. This common condition stems from hormonal fluctuations or excess chest tissue and can leave men feeling self-conscious without shirts on. Although not physically dangerous, the psychological discomfort is often quite real. You are likely wondering: how do I know if I am a good candidate for one of the corrective gynecomastia surgeries? Here is what you should know.

Common Root Causes

For teen boys, it is quite normal for gynecomastia to emerge during puberty when hormones surge and fall unevenly. This leads to temporary swelling or minor breast tissue, which typically clears up on its own within one to two years without treatment as hormone production stabilizes during adolescent development into manhood.

In adult men, common reasons for bothersome gynecomastia include:

Determining the trigger, if there is one, can reveal whether lifestyle adjustments might impact the breast tissue or if surgical intervention is necessary for noticeable, lasting improvement.

 Ideal Candidates for Gynecomastia Treatment

Ideal candidates for gynecomastia surgery are men whose enlarged breasts have persisted, unchanged, for over two years with no identifiable health condition present. Those who still require major weight loss would achieve the best results from having surgery after reaching their stabilized goal weight instead. The results tend to be more dramatic following significant weight loss and stabilization.

Both mature teenagers and adult men can prove excellent candidates if their objectives are realistic. While surgeons can remove excess glandular breast tissue through various techniques, slight remaining fat can persist. But even marked reduction, rather than absolute elimination, may greatly boost confidence and comfort going shirt-free. Resulting surgical scars are permanent, although typically fade nicely within 12 months post-procedure.

Schedule a Gynecomastia Treatment Consultation Today

If you have given conservative treatments enough time with negligible results, surgical correction might hold the answer right now. Determine your candidacy and recommended approach to accomplishing your aesthetic goals.

Contact board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery Dr. Victor Perez at Renue Aesthetic Surgery in Overland Park, KS, to discuss your options and whether gynecomastia treatment is right for you. Call 913-685-1108 to schedule an appointment to get started. 

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